Alliance Controls Pte Ltd (ACPL)
ACPL is a Singapore privately held engineering company where we provided advisory on strategic merger consideration with complementary engineering partner and business valuation to determine suitable pricing and deal structuring.

Bintai Kindenko Pte Ltd (BKPL)
BKPL is a Singapore privately held company in the business of mechanical and electrical engineering where we made the recommendation to their Board of Directors relating to the total compensation and benefit for the senior management through essential processes of formulation, justification, and market research.

Egg Creatives Pte Ltd (ECPL)
ECPL is a Singapore privately held company in the business of graphic design, branding and print where business valuation and due diligence were performed to determine equity investment and business integrity and financial projections.

Amazonia Singapore​ (AMSG)
AMSG is a Singapore privately held company in the business of family and children indoor theme park. We provided advisory service in the raising of private funding and investment structuring and mechanism.

Digital Scanning Corporation Pte Ltd (DSCP)
DSCP is a Singapore privately held company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of a Malaysia publicly listed company in the ACE Market in the business of digital data management and information tracking solution where business valuations and generation of business plan were performed by us to assist the client in the completion of M&A transaction of another company.

Light10 Labs Pte Ltd (LLPL)
LLPL is a Singapore privately held company in the business of LED technology where intangible valuation was performed to determine the value of an intellectual property.

Luxasia Investment Pte Ltd (LIPL)
LIPL is a Singapore privately held company in the business of retail and distribution of beauty, skincare and fragrance products where business valuation was performed for the purpose of financial reporting.

MyRepublic Ltd (MYRL)
MYRL is a Singapore publicly held company in the business of Internet service provider where ESOP (employee stock option plan) was designed to increase loyalty from staff and to satisfy equity structure with suitable moratoriums being incorporated in the reward system.

Moya Asia Ltd (MYAL)
MYAL is a Singapore publicly held company listing on Singapore Stock Exchange in the business of water treatment and clean technology where advisory on the fair allocation and distribution of ESOP (employee stock option plan) to all staff including executive directors was performed.

Nashfield Engineering Construction Pte Ltd (NEPL)
NEPL is a Singapore privately held company in the business of engineering where advisory on asset sales and generation of investment proposal were conducted.

Nextview Pte Ltd (NVPL)
NVPL is a Singapore privately held company in the business of financial services where business and intangible valuations were conducted for M&A transactions.

Radius Design & Construction Pte Ltd (RDPL)
RDPL is a Singapore privately held company in the business of MICE where ESOP (employee stock option plan) and succession shares were designed to promote loyalty from global staff and M&A advisory was conducted on fund raising activities.

Shanghai Great Wisdom Co Ltd (SGWL)
SGWL is a China publicly held company listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange in the business of financial services where business valuation and due diligence were performed for cross-border M&A transactions.

ZingMobile Group Ltd (ZMGL)
ZMGL is a Singapore publicly held company listed on Australia Stock Exchange in the business of mobile technology where business and intangible valuations were conducted for M&A transaction and financial reporting.
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